
new for me

I don't eat yogurt. I always think it should taste so yummy when I open the plastic and see that creamy smooth dairy product glistening back at me. But as soon as I get the yogurt up to my nose, my tongue says "oh no you don't!"

Until now. "La Fermiere" yogurt* (vanilla flavour) is not only delicious, it comes in these cute little ceramic pots. Normally the pots are made in this terracotta color, but new for spring, it comes in these lovely lilac-colored pots as well.

*purchased at Champion, 2 pots for 2.08 euros. More expensive at Casino. Don't know about Carrefour, Auchan, or LeClerc.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to LOVE yaourt vanille when I lived Chez Paris. The consistency is smooth and much better tasting than yogurt Stateside. Try sprinkling a little sugar on the top. That trick even makes plain flavored yaourt taste divine. I collected tons of glass yaourt containers and intended to bring them home to use them as candle votives and holders for small things on my desk, i.e., paper clips, thumbtacks, etc. I was so inspired by the creative possibilities of the adorable little French yaourt glass cups that I was heart-sick when it came time for packing my suitcases and there wasn't any room for silly glass cups. I LOVE those ceramic yaourt cups. Oh the possibilities...like holding small plants, flowers, candles, pens, pencils, etc.

Blogger Sue said...

I've heard so many people say the yogurt in Europe is superior that I was anxious to try it for myself.
They are right. Lucky you!!
Surely you can find a place to bring back some of the adorable little cups. They could be one of your keepsakes for life in France. :)

Blogger Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

la fermiere is my fave. just found your blog via Our Juicy life. I too am moving to France July 12, being a (nervous shudder) corporate dropout. Look forward to reading more ...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

they have them in usa also.


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