
The Grinch

This is the latest picture of Dave. I took it just after he said (in the car today on the way home from buying himself a new white t-shirt for working out):

"Do we have to get a Sapin de Nöel?"

I replied, "We have to have a tree. When I was a kid, one year we got our tree on Christmas EVE!"

"Well, we're not doing that," he said flatly.

I declared, "Okay, then we're getting one tomorrow because the kids don't have school."

"Fine," he replied, "but it has to be a small one."


Blogger Courtney said...

It must be a male thing.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, are you going to make a buche de noel?

Blogger Heidi said...

It's not a male thing, I think it's an Ashton offspring thing. (I say offspring because my mom was always so good about decorating)

We still don't have a Christmas tree and I asked Will and Juliette the other day if they cared about getting one at all. Of course they do, so I suppose we'll have to do it.

But to spend money on something that you're just going to throw away, and the mess they make, etc. etc. I suppose I'm feeling a little grinchy myself, probably because I'm the size of the grinch's house right now, and doing anything at all this stage of pregnancy doesn't really appeal to me!

So in Dave's defense, I've got a little of the grinch spirit too and I'm a female!

Blogger The Golf Club at Johnson Ranch said...

Buck up, busy lady, that baby will be here soon!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhhh i just hope that the color of your face is not due to my DELICIOUSSSS foie gras ... because if it is ... I'm sorry, I'm soooo sorry !


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