

A couple of weeks ago my new friend Carrie, an editor at a great family website, emailed and asked if she could do a feature on our year in France, which you may or may not know is ending in less than two weeks. I was happy to talk with her.

This morning she posted the feature and we think she did a great job! Probably about the same time she posted, she went into labor to have her new baby. If you're there Carrie, we're all rooting for you. Send us photos!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great interview. I hope you find another exchange family in the next couple weeks before you have to leave your beloved French Life. Bonne chance!

Blogger Rebecca said...

I love reading about your adventures in France. I will miss your posts. The time seems to have gone so fast! Quel dommage d'avoir besoin de partir!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, I've visited Mougins and found it to be SO charming. There was a lovely antique store owned by a British man that was delightful.

What a brave thing to do, and you've made your children better people for it!

Blogger Nicole said...

What an amazing blog... what an amazing adventure! I hope you keep up with your adventures when you get back to the states.... I would love to hear about the transition back.

My husband would love to work abroad, and I am a bit nervous about the idea. This may be the reading I need to push me to his side. :)


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