
Ducks Prefer the French

Every year since 2004 we've had the same "duck couple" visit our home in Phoenix. They fly in together around mid-March, hang out at the pool for a few days while gorging themselves on bread the children give them, and occasionally (this happened in 2006 and 2007) they'll walk into our house if we leave a bread trail and give them some space. Here's a picture of the kids feeding the ducks in 2006.This year we hoped the ducks would visit our exchange family, because we were sure that if they did they would be well taken care of. And sure enough, in March they showed up right on schedule. Jean Paul sent an email to Dave with pictures:
Then yesterday, another email came from Jean Paul, with pictures. They (the ducks) must have been really well taken care of in March, because they've never come back in April before, and never with NINE BABIES in tow! Looks like our exchange family knows how to take care of the ducks better than we do. To get them to make nine babies is quite an accomplishment! The French can make you fall in love like that, I guess.


Blogger J said...

Awww that's so adorable !

Blogger Courtney said...

How fun for the kids. My parents have a tortoise that shows up every spring for a couple of weeks but not an entire family of ducks!

Blogger janae said...

How fun for them! Baby ducks are SO cute!

Blogger Christopher said...

The problem with these ducks is the amount of crap they are sure to leave all over the cool decking and in the pool. I can see the look on Jean Paul's face now as he removes his foot from a freshly dropped pile of duck crap after playing with the kids in/near the pool. I like duck's as much as the next guy, but c'mon, not if they are going to leave their own crap trail in my yard!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are perfectly right Christopher, but it is such a good experience, and so much fun for the kids!
And guess what: after 3 kids, I'm pretty used to those kind of stuff, like craps and even sometimes worse...
So I just need my hose and my mop right by me!
It's definitely too cute!!!

Blogger Vicki said...

I LOVE this! The ducks are adorable. They are much cuter than the wild turkeys that came to our yard in Northern Cal to drink from our pool. I chased them away because the pile of poo they left on the cool deck was not pretty or pleasant. After awhile they stopped coming. Keep us up to date on the time the duck family resides in Peoria, will you?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're SO cute! And what a fun "tradition" you have there!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is way too cute!


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